Hi there! I’m Tori—an artist and dreamer explo Welcome! This is the second post in my series, "Wa Have you ever felt lost in translation when the co What lies beyond the door? In my Wayfinder Oracle Thrilled to share that, I've acquired the elusive The full Wolf Moon rises tonight, casting its silv There are so many things I’d love to learn, and “When I stand in front of a canvas, I never know I’m thrilled with how this painting turned out! I've been experimenting with a scratch art techniq Hey y’all! I’ve finally decided to show myself As we step into 2025, the Hermit card lights the w This evocative painting by John Everett Millais, a ✨ Sitting Bull & the King of Cups: Leadership wi Rabbits have always held a special place in my hea ✨Today’s Tarot Guidance✨ Knight of Pentacle "Where hearts gather, magic follows." — Wayfinde "Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to b Introducing Beatrix Potter as the Page of Cups – ☀️"At the solstice, the light is born again, a ✨ May the sun guide you this solstice to brighte I've been thinking about monarch butterflies latel “Like moonlight on a frosty night, this lunation I Heard a Bird Sing by Oliver Herford I heard a b Under December’s full moon this Sunday, sometime "Sometimes the quietest truths come to us in the b “Wayfinding isn’t always about maps; sometimes "A quiet pause can reveal the loudest truths." – 🌟 “Take your time; the horizon isn’t going “The first step of any journey begins with trust Load More Follow on Instagram