How about some tarot play for a slightly magical s This evocative painting by John Everett Millais, a ✨ Sitting Bull & the King of Cups: Leadership wi Rabbits have always held a special place in my hea ✨Today’s Tarot Guidance✨ Knight of Pentacle "Where hearts gather, magic follows." — Wayfinde "Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to b Introducing Beatrix Potter as the Page of Cups – ☀️"At the solstice, the light is born again, a ✨ May the sun guide you this solstice to brighte Next up in my series of "Wayfinding Through the Ta I've been thinking about monarch butterflies latel “Like moonlight on a frosty night, this lunation I Heard a Bird Sing by Oliver Herford I heard a b Under December’s full moon this Sunday, sometime "Sometimes the quietest truths come to us in the b “Wayfinding isn’t always about maps; sometimes "A quiet pause can reveal the loudest truths." – 🌟 “Take your time; the horizon isn’t going “The first step of any journey begins with trust Follow on Instagram